Associazione Italiana Veterinari Piccoli Animali
Affiliata WSAVA


Corpi estranei gastro-intestinali nel cane
Dalla diagnosi alla terapia

Gastrointestinal foreign bodies in the dog: from diagnosis to therapy


Mattioli G., DVM
Libero Professionista (Parma),

Simonazzi B., DVM
Dottore di ricerca in Oftalmologia, Ricercatore Dipartimento di Scienze Medico Veterinarie, Università degli studi di Parma


Foreign bodies are one of the main causes for esophageal obstruction in the dog. Gastrointestinal foreign bodies are a severe clinical problem that require a rapid diagnosis and treatment. The aim of this study is to describe the pathophysiology, the clinical presentation and which are the most common types and localizations of gastrointestinal foreign bodies.
The article also explains the most appropriate method to diagnose and remove the foreign bodies and the possible complications consequent to removal.


Foreign bodies, gastrointestinal, dog, treatment, surgery

